When is the Best Time to Plant Roses in Texas?
When to Plant Roses in Texas? For bare-root roses or roses you wish to transplant from one place to another in your garden, the best time to plant in Texas is mid-February when roses are still dormant. Part of the reasoning behind this, besides the fact that they are still dormant – or they should be – is that the best selection of bare-root roses is available to buy from early to mid-February.
Incidentally, mid-February is, for most roses, the best time to prune in Texas.
For shrub roses, prune them hard and leave only stubs of the previous plant – the stubs need be no longer than four to six inches in length.
Note that for climbing roses February is NOT the best time to prune. If you prune your climbing roses in February you’ll decimate all, or most, of the upcoming blooms. So best wait until your climbing roses have finished flowering before you decide to prune them.
Container-grown roses can be planted throughout the growing season in Texas. A container-grown rose is a rose that has been grown in a pot (or some other type of container) at least for the previous six months or so.
In fact, you can plant container-grown roses in Texas even during the winter months. It’s best to plant prior to fall frost though as this will allow your roses to become established in the soil.