When do I plant Knock Out roses in Georgia?

When to Plant Knock Out Roses in Georgia – The first Knock Out rose was introduced in 2000. It was bred by William Radler, a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Apparently, Mr. Radler labored for 15 years in his basement to come up with what eventually was introduced as the Knock Out rose. Over 90 million Knock Out roses have been sold since. 



Planting Knock Out roses in Georgia, US
White Knock Out rose




In Georgia, you’ll want to plant your roses between late winter and early spring (the final frost date in GA, as a general rule, is around March 29 so plant after this date – again, as a general rule).

For bare-root Knock Out roses in Georgia, it’s wise to plant early spring, after the final frost and once the soil is a little warmer. This gives the plants plenty of time to become established before the summertime heat sets in. 

For container-grown Knock Out roses, you can plant either side of summer – in early to late spring or in late summer/ early fall (after the heat has subsided). Best to avoid planting container-grown roses in late fall. That’s because you want your roses to become established before the first fall frost occurs and the plants become dormant. 


When should you plant Knock Out roses in Georgia


So, you now know when to plant Knock Out roses in Georgia. But how about roses in general as opposed to Knock Out roses alone? And what about planting roses in Georgia? If you have some new roses or you wish to or need to transplant some roses, when should you tackle those tasks?

Read the following article to find out when to prune roses in Georgia.

Read the following article to find out when to plant roses in Georgia.


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